Townley Wins in OZ

Posted: Sun 11 Jul 1999

BT (Ben Townley), Dated 11 July 1999

An awesome day, I\'m now number 1 in Austrailia in the 13-15 class. Today\'s first race was perfect conditions but the second race was muddy, grotty, puddles and cloggy crap. Darren has been awesome and the bike was absolutely great.

Race #1 (Final 2)
Good start and around first turn in second place. Luke Cunningham lead the whole race with myself staying behind him within 2 secs (1sec most of the time). I had no more speed and he didn\'t either, but never had the chance to pass. Finished second after a great race.

Race #2 (Final 3)
Going into this race I had to beat Luke to win. As we sat on the starting grid, the heavens opened and poured down. I got an awesome start but dropped back to third on first lap. Luke was second and Mitchell Howat was first. I had to beat Luke to win. I dropped off Luke\'s tail about 6-8 secs by lap three. On lap 4 (7 lap race) I pulled my finger out of my butt!! and (lap 5) got to within 1-2 secs of Luke and Mitch. On the last lap I was looking for a place to pass with about 4 corners to go Luke ran off the track slightly and I just slipped past. I rode across the line with my hands in the air. It was an awesome feeling to win the title. The race was real hard in the mud and to finish second was great. See you soon.

Yours in motorcross, Ben Townley #1