BEC: Whibley Writes

Posted: Thu 18 Aug 2005

The weather forecast for the 3rd round of the BEC was for steady rain on Sat and clearing on Sun. And thats exactly what we got.I had heard that this race can be one of the toughest of the year if its wet, so we all braced for a ruggered weekend.

Day 1 dawned with a light constant rain. We rolled our bikes out of the parc ferme to the start line. Fired them up and cruised down the road to the first test. A short flat grass test,very tight and only 2 min to ride. I put in a good time,2nd or 3rd I think. Off up the road 10km to the start of the lap proper. We would do 4 laps of a loop, with a test on the side of a grass hill at the end of each lap.

The lap was tough and times were tight.The rain had become heavier and the coarse rapidly deteriated.There were some mega bogs and bottomless ruts,plus a good mix of stumps and roots.A desicion was made by the organizers to scrap the 4th lap.So at the end of lap 3 we headed back to parc ferme,doing the flat test on the way back in.

My day had gone well I finished 2nd in class and 3rd overall. I was 1 of only 4 to stay clean on time all day. Day 2 began with more light showers but these had cleared by the time we started.Same format as Day 1 but the loop was run backwards and had been altered to make passable.

The race went well enough with only 1 bad test, dropping the bike in the still very slippery conditions. Finishing the day in 3rd in class and 5th overall.