A4DE: Day 2

Posted: Sat 30 Jul 2005

A4DE Day 2

You will have read the previous article about Shaun Prescott and Sean Clarke having major problems. Prescott is definitely out – the borrowed KTM didn’t make the distance so that leaves the Senior Team out of contention. Shaun is not too pleased about this as he worked hard to get the bike to Parc Ferme. As for Sean Clarke: Sean has spent the evening with ice packs on his damaged shoulder. Sean is one of the last hard men and if it is at all possible to ride, he will be on the line kicking his Suzuki into life. This morning Sean is in a lot of pain but intends to start the event and see how far he can go.

A mixed bag for our riders this the second day of racing. A very disappointed Lockie Columb after losing 2 minutes in the work period when changing his rear tyre. There is more to enduro than being a fast rider and Lockie found this out to his detriment. It will cost him 120 points which on yesterdays placings will put him back to 18th or so from 9th. A hard lesson! Lockie is much more relaxed about the deal now that he has had time to reflect and will get on with the riding the event.

As for the rest of the team, Jason Davis has become a little discouraged by the harsh conditions with rocky terrain being quite unfamiliar and far more technical than he imagined. He had a couple of crucial crashed which he feels will disadvantage him in the points however he did finish on time. Back brake lever trouble earlier in the day slowed him until he got it fixed. Jason got a yellow card on Tuesday. He forgot his riding card and rode back up the course to get it. A big no no in enduro. The Yellow Card is an official warning for new or inexperienced riders so Jason will learn from this as will the rest of the team.

Heath (Poster Boy) Howlett is pretty happy with his progress in the event. He coping well with the rocky conditions and feels his Michelin tyres have made a huge difference. The long Special Stage caught him out with it’s length. He thought it would never end. Heath dropped a rear tyre onto his bike tonight.

Talk to Whytie and you will soon get the run down on the event. Found the riding tough and tight but had a good day in the office. Had a biggie in one test when he hit something and ended up doing a huge superman while his wheels were still on the ground. Fitted a new Michelin and filter in the work period.

Karl rode uncomfortably and didn’t really come to grips with the terrain. Found the rocky tracks a bit much at times but he kept going at speed and finished with a good special Test at the Turf Farm. He had a moment when team mate(???) Mark Whyte ran over him and left him lying on the track. Luckly, Karl wasn’t badly affected and wioll love to see another enduro.

Christopher had a good day except for two crashes on the MX test, one costing him serious seconds. He found the Extreme Test a little difficult otherwise was really pleased with the riding conditions. His 125 struggles in the steep rocky uphills as 125cc machines don’t have an abundance of torque. In the easier going Chris is right on the pace so he is generally pleased with his ride. Chris fitted a hard terrain tyre for Thursdays course.

Duncan Mclaren is riding well finishing without losing trail time and keeping a steady pace in the terrain tests. He has his bike going well and is looking forward to finishing the 4 days without losing any time and with no mechanical difficulties. Tired but encourages is his situation.

Michael Phillips is the silent mover in the team. Consistent fast riding in the special tests has kept Michael in contention and moving slowly up the field in the over 250cc 2T class. Being one of only two Kawasakis, he is determined to finish the ride and prove the brand in these adverse conditions. Michael is proving his second place in the National Enduro 250cc class is no fluke and he is keen to stamp his mark over here.

Merv Heard has settled in to a steady rhythm and is improving as the days go on. The difficult terrain is no deterant to Merv as he concentrates on finishing rather that going for a silver medal. His determination paid of on day two as he came in only 9 minutes down s well within the 1 hour penalty time allowed for enduro. No mechanical or riding problems for Merv which is great. Merv starts again on day 3.

Motorcycling New Zealand fronted up on day two to promote the International Six Day Enduro being held in New Zealand November 2006. The promotions co-ordinator Nick Reader and accommodation/travel co-ordinator Kim Herd are promoting the 6 day and New Zealand.

More info as it comes to hand!