NEW! Dirt Rider Downunder

Posted: Wed 20 Jul 2005

With Kiwi riders dominating the sport of off-road motorcycling in Australia and on the world stage, the release of New Zealand’s only dedicated off-road motorcycle magazine – Dirt Rider Downunder couldn’t be better timed.

Publisher of the new title, Paul Lance, is optimistic the new publication will be a success, saying that off-road motorcycling has a huge following in New Zealand, with local club events regularly attract 200-500 riders and annual events such as Desert Storm and Alpine Express catering to over 2,500 riders during a weekend.

“With New Zealand riders such as Daryl Hurley and the King brothers dominating the Australian motocross championships, Stefan Merriman contesting the world enduro champs, Josh Coppins fighting for the World MX1 title and Ben Townley now off to the lucrative American scene, the time is right for a New Zealand published dirt bike only magazine.” Says Mr Lance. “For too long, Kiwi off-road enthusiasts have had to look overseas for dedicated dirt bike magazines, with the launch of DRD we aim to change this.”

The A5 publication will feature tests, reviews, news and prominent columnists, from a uniquely Kiwi perspective. The first issue is on sale August 23rd.