NZ Teams Up For A4DE

Posted: Mon 11 Jul 2005

This year for the first time New Zealand will be taking a senior and a junior trophy team to the australia for the four day enduro teams championships.

The A4DE is being held at wyony about an hours drive north of Sydeny

There will also be two individual riders competing as part of the whole team effort.

The event this year will have seven special tests which will be used mutliple times over the first thre days and then the final moto-x on the last day.

The two teams from NZ will be competing against the seven Australian states that compete every year. last year NZ came third in the senior trophy which was a great effort.

In the trophy teams rules there is no room for error as all riders must finish for a good result, if a rider dnf's the event the team gets a penlty of 15000 points per day which can make it hard for a top finish.

Also this event is the Oceania challange between NZ and Australia, an event that Australia has won since its inception at the 2001 a4de at Oparau.

"This year it would be great just to get all our riders to the finish without any drama's as every year since the the first callange we have had a dnf or a major loss off time which has just gifted the oceania trophy to the aussie's", says sean clarke

The Teams