GasGas One-Two

Posted: Wed 29 Jun 2005

GAS GAS ONE-TWO AT THE TRIAL OF FRANCE Alès, France, 25 June 2005.- Unbeatable is the right adjective for GAS GAS on the first day of the Trial of France, the World Trial Championship’s eighth round, held in the French town of Alès today.

The GAS GAS School of Champions rider Adam Raga (GG TXT 300) achieved a very important win for the series, as it allows him to regain the championship lead. On his part, Jeroni Fajardo (GG TXT 280), proving that he is totally recovered from his injury with his excellent performance in the French trial today, shouldered the Ulldecona rider on the podium.

The French event turned out to be very hard for all the riders. Section 3 was decisivel: the championship leader, Doug Lampkin, abandoned in this section on the second lap.

The three-time Indoor World Trial Champion Adam Raga, who had already won the first lap with some ease, adding 13 points for the 19 of his closest rival Takahisa Fujinami and third-place Toni Bou’s 22, went on to add another win to his account, a victory which may well be key to conquering the final title, as it has put him back at the championship lead with 129 points.

The 20-year-old GAS GAS rider Jeroni Fajardo (GG TXT 280) completed the manufacturer’s great performance by climbing onto the second step of the rostrum. He was the fourth best rider on the first lap and one of the top two on the second lap with the same number of points as Bou, which eventually gave him the second place in the final standings.

In the Youth Cup, another GAS GAS rider, Daniel Oliveras, has also added a new win to his private account with great authority. The second place was for Matteo Grattarola and Loris Gubian was 3rd. It is Oliveras’s sixth win in the outdoor series, which seems to keep no secrets for him.

This settles his lead with 154 points before Loris Gubian’s 136 and Matteo Grattarola’s 88. On his part, Dani Gibert (GAS GAS) came home in a fantastic fourth place in the Junior class, which was won by James Dabill, followed by Diego Garrido in 2nd and Michael Brown in 3rd. He keeps his second place in the provisional standings, with 125 points, before Diego Garrido with 122 and behind James Dabill’s 157 points.

The second day of the G.P. of France will take place tomorrow. It will be the ninth valid round of the World Trial Championship.