Woodhill Final Update

Posted: Mon 27 Jun 2005

Brilliant weather at Woodhill and an awesome event but the trees have taken a toll... Some highlights include...

Mick Brannan has a broken rib or two and a broken bone in his hand after a tapped-out endo along some whoops but, in best enduro fashion, hopped back on his bike and continued on to the pits...


Claude Savatier broke a few fingers after following a tree root into a tree...


Hazel Rushworth kicked a passing stump...

This last one is the good one because it means that I am stuck in Auckland with the results, driving around the city rather than playing on the internet, etc...

My apologies, and I will get to it as soon as I can...

In the meantime, here's what Hazel did...

Cruising early on and brushed past/over a tuft of grass... that grass was hiding a stump... She didn't fall off... her feet didn't even leave the pegs... but now found that she couldn't change gear...

She rode back in to the pits and was taken to sit in the ambulance...

At first they weren't too worried except for an unexplained trickle of blood on her foot... so off to North Shore Hospital for some more investigation...

When I arrived at the hospital just after 7 pm she was still in A & E, just about to go in to surgery...

She has a hairline fracture in her big toe. This is the least of the injuries - the hospital are totally ignoring it... say there is nothing they can do for it and it will heal just fine... but this is where all the pain is/was (not that she seems too uncomfortable... when they suggested that they might cut off her enduro pants she hopped off the bed and proceded to pull them off over her swollen foot...)

The blood came from a compound fracture of a bone in her foot, the bone connected to the little toe, coming up toward the ankle... it only just broke the skin BUT because it broke the skin, they have to be a bit careful with it...

There is a little bit of internal bleeding in the foot and last night, under a general they cleaned it out & re-aligned the bone... I saw the x-rays and it looks like a nice clean break and there is no suggestion that it is anything complicated... although no-one is yet guarenteeing that she will be ready to go to Aussie in a months time...

This is where most of the pain comes from... She really wants to go to the 4-day in Aussie on July 23rd. Anyone out there with experience of similar injuries? If so, drop me an email and give me your opinion...