Sean's ISDE Comments - UPDATED:

Posted: Fri 27 May 2005

MNZ had advised some time ago that: MNZ is establishing a separate incorporated company to manage the 2006 ISDE and that -
Arthur Klap of Wellington:
is to chair the company. The MNZ Enduro Commissioner, Sean Clarke (Pictured - Pic Courtesy of Andy McGechan:) will manage the event.

You may have read my -
Comment On An '06 ISDE Website:
Greg Power's Comments To That:
Both URLs were sent to all MNZ addresses that I have of those who have a role in staging the most significant event in NZ's motorcycle sport history. To date I have received only this response.

Sean's Reply:

Hey Bill,

I thought I would reply to the comments made by Greg Power and yourself regarding the 2006 ISDE.
When an event of this size is to be held there is a enormous amount of work that has to be done before a web site is to be employed as the main information provider.

Bill you are correct in saying that the web site should have supplementary regulations, entry lists etc, but do you think that this should be done before the FIM has offically given the event to NZ in writing (20th Jan 2005). Before this it has only been provisonal. The most important factor in running an event of this size is the budget and this is not worked out over night as you can imagine. So the web site will be up and running in plenty of time for everyone to get all the information that is required to compete in the ISDE.

I am not sure what Greg's problem is but I get the feeling he lacks confidence in the ability of the team of people that we have got together to hold the event. (I am not sure where he has got his information from as the web site isn't up yet) I could go through his letter paragraph by paragraph but that would just be wasting my time (I am busy you know) but a few things that he has said I did not know whether to laugh or cry at.

The first thing is his comments about the ISDE board members.
Sure Arther Klapp hasn't raced in the ISDE but he has held world championship events quite regularly over the past 20 odd years, mountain running world championships, mountainbiking world championships,downhill mountainbikes etc and Daryl August from Taupo who has competed in 2 or 3 ISDEs - the last one being the 1992 ISDE at Cessnock in Australia. Should I mention Geoff Hall who has been the president of the Taupo NCC for god knows how long. Nick Reader is in charge of sponsorship and marketing and I am the event director.

The other point of Gregs that really got my back up was what he said about the registration and how hard it will be for a kiwi rider to ride in the event and how easy it will be for Europeon riders. Well this is just utter crap, if a Europeon rider turns up to the ISDE and he does not meet the requirements set out in the supplementary regulations he will not ride in the event.

I have said in the past that if you ride in the ISDE that you will need a full road registered bike, but there are obviously other options that are being considered.

So when I have sorted the registration issues out I will let everyone in the world know via the internet.

As for NZ holding half day enduros I would like to see you say that to the last placed finisher at any of the enduros in NZ over the last couple of years.

Cheers Sean


Greg's Response:

It seems my article has been largely misunderstood.
The board I mentioned is clearly the MNZ Board not the ISDE board. When I first approached the subject, there was no IDSE board so the only alternative was to approach the MNZ board. This is the board that I have referred to in my article. Now that the ISDE board has been named, this puts an entirely different light on things as the make up is entirely different to the MNZ. Board. I am sure these knowledgeable and enthusiastic people will be able to resolve the issues facing them.

This is all getting very emotive when all we need to know is what needs to be done to be able to compete. 18 months is not a very long time when one is considering entering the event of a life time. Athletes need to prepare for such a major event and as everyone knows, preparation is the key to success physically, mentally and of course in motorsport, mechanically.

If Sean thinks I am personally attacking him then I publicly apologise. My article did not attack Sean or the now formed ISDE board. I also mentioned that Sean was a very busy person and could not be expected to do everything himself. Sean is the sole reason why we are getting the ISDE. Without him there would not be an ISDE in New Zealand so there is not reason to attack or discredit him. I am grateful that Sean has stepped up to the plate and so is everyone else.

I am voicing my own and the concerns of many many riders who are very worried about what they need to be doing to compete in the ISDE. They, like me, have been looking for information about motorcycle eligibility, entry fee costs, required logistics and anything associated with competing in an ISDE. 99% of Kiwis who may compete in the ISDE in 2006 will not have ridden and ISDE and very few will have ridden a multi day event. Information is necessary to help these people along the way. Now Sean has the backing of what I presume is an active ISDE board to help him get things done, I am sure we will see a raft of information coming from the ISDE boards publicity officer which can only be great. I look forward to the speedy resolution of the registration/wof issue in particular.

Here in New Zealand, people are expected to keep their heads down and ask no questions. As soon as someone wants to know something, states the obvious, puts forward a personal opinion or tries to help, they get knocked back and put down unless they are towing the party line. The fact that I am working towards helping average riders prepared for the ISDE would indicate that I am not trying to buck the system. I fact that I am keen for the ISDE to be really successful and want to see Kiwis compete, have a great experience and do well indicates that I am right behind the Kiwi effort.
All we need is information and plenty of it!

Greg Power