Greg's ISDE Comments:

Posted: Tue 24 May 2005

Greg Power is a guy who has been around the off-road motorcyling scene for a long time. In earlier days as a fiercly competititive and talented rider in Trials, Enduro and then endurance events. I have a foggy memory of him competing in the 'Roof Of Africa'? Lately he has been in the business of catering for off-roaders and he know the difficulties associated with keeping everyone happy. He was a member of the MNZ Board for five years back in the 1980s and has first hand experience of the working of MNZ, its strengths and weaknesses.
He makes some pertinent comments that will make for healthy discussion.

Greg's Opinion:

Hey Bill

I concur with your comments re: An Official Website for the 2006 ISDE: We need one and dare I say it - we are not six months too late, we are two years too late. We should have had one from the time we were given the go ahead from the FIM.

There are several reasons why nothing has been done communication wise!
1 - MNZ has undergone much personnel change in the past 12 months.
2 - The board is made up of high profile code members so therefore does not understand the vagaries and complications of Enduro. I would suggest than not one of the board members has ever ridden a multi-day enduro let alone organised or helped to organise one. The One (half) day enduros found in NZ over the last ten years in no way represent what we will encounter at the ISDE. Therefore the board does not have any idea what they have got into.
3 - Sean Clarke is a busy man. Like most of us he has to make a living to feed his family, pay the mortgage and keep up his standard of life. He is a passionate man about Enduros and his many, many, many, many, many national titles and the fact that he is the Enduro Commissioner and has been for several years indicates he has more passion than most. However one man alone cannot make an ISDE. Sean is tasked with preparing the course and the working on the day. He is not a political animal and is not comfortable (and I know few motorcycle competitors who are) with the political manoeuvring that needs to be conducted to overcome the myriad of problems faced at a bureaucratic level.
4 - I have sent emails, made phone calls and published editorial on the subject of the ISDE with regards to motorcycle eligibility, team selection and training. Whilst much lip service has taken place, there has been little done and definitely nothing resolved. Having been involved over the years as a National competitor and organiser, I am very concerned that the general public and enduro riders in particular, don’t know the problems they face if they want to ride in the ISDE. Here are a couple of examples:

  • You have to have a motorcycle drivers licence.
  • You have to have a registered motorcycle - headlight, tail light, brake light, mirror, horn, indicators, complete chain guide, registration including a full numberplate, warrant of fitness, silent muffler, road legal tyres, a mudguard that extends down nearly to the axle at the rear, a VIN number and everything else required by law.
  • You have to have an International Competition Licence (through Motorcycling New Zealand)
  • The entry fee is likely to be in the vicinity of $1300.00 - $1500.00
  • You have to have your own service crew – fuel will not be transported for you – you have to arrange this yourself.
  • Real time will be used. This means the New Zealand Flip Card system will not be used for the enduro. You will not have used this system in New Zealand unless you rode in the A4DE in Oparau a few years back – It is not too difficult but it is significantly different than NZ.
  • The rules are different and you can be excluded so easily for say - riding back along the pits for even 2 meters, or refuelling incorrectly.
  • There is no show of fudging the system as scrutineering entails matching up vin numbers, engine and frame numbers and checking all the legal requirements - before you are allowed to even get your bike into the parking area.
  • The course includes public road and part of Sate Highway 1.
    5 - All this means there are many hurdles to conquer even before you start your bike on the first morning. What a worry, especially as you didn’t even know about them.
    6 - Unfortunately, it is likely that the European riders will front up with bikes that don’t have all the requirements for New Zealand law and they will most likely be able to compete. This means the Kiwis will be left out in the cold or competing on bikes that have all the crap in the world on them making them uncompetitive. Sure KTM’s and Huskys and even the WR Yamahas are road registrable but you will have to ride with all the gear on them. Indicators and the heavy add on kits that enduro competitors take off for competition.
    7 - We need to know what is going on! You need to know and something needs to be done. Enduro is the forgotten sport. Along with Trials, it is tolerated by the Moto X and Road Racing powers to be. The MNZ Board is smaller than it ever was and only Moto X and Road Race people make up the board. Even co-opted members are MX and Road Race orientated. It seems that they are uninterested in Enduro.
    8 - There is no doubt that come the ISDE next year our “esteemed” officials will be housed in flash Taupo hotels rubbing shoulders with the Federation of International Motorcycling officials and taking the credit for another well run New Zealand event, whilst those who have really done the work and shared the frustration will be out in the forest sorting out the track, running the checks and keeping the event running. That will be fine and perfectly acceptable, provided MNZ gets behind the ISDE now and ensures that every motorcyclist that wants to ride the ISDE has an equal opportunity to do so and that those already working on the event get full and proper support.
    9 - An official Web Site is definitely a move in the right direction but still a long way from the solution to the many problems associated with the hosting of the ISDE. Let's hope it does happen now and that it is the start of a movement to get the 2006 ISDE up to speed.

    Greg Power

    Greg and Trevor Power have organised a training regime for aspiring ISDE riders and have called for expressions of interest. This is to get clubman riders up to speed with ISDE requirements and to increase the fitness and skill levels of enduro riders. This is being done with professional trainers, skilled riders, experienced organisers and enthusiastic helpers.
    There is a cost but it is not a business operation. Greg and Trevor are keen to help not only Christopher and Karl towards their goals but see a need to help up and coming riders and anyone interested in bettering themselves.
    Contact Greg on 09 4101498 or Email for more information.