Chris Birch - Stop Press:

Posted: Mon 23 May 2005

Photo - Chris Birch in action in Italy:

Most will be aware that Chris Birch, the current NZ Enduro champion, past NZ Trials Champion and Mountain Bike rider has made the major move to the UK to pursue his dreams.
Chris has a really great Website: that you may wish to bookmark.
And you can Send Chris An Email: of support.

Chris Birch in Italy Stop Press:

Chris came 6th in E2 on Day 1 and 9th on Day 2 of the European Champs in Italy. He was reasonably happy with that because as expected the Italians ran away with it. He was top 'Britt'? in the Class. He was particularly pleased to get 8th fastest overall in the 'Extreme Test' on Day 2.

In an event full of machine dramas for Chris before the event even started, it was another big learning experience, with very MX orientated special tests.The going was pretty technical with huge hill climbs, pretty muddy that cut up into big ruts, in very rocky terrain (a bit like Maratoto for those that know it ).

Full race report willl follow once Chris and Monica get back to UK ( a bit of R and R in Paris is planned on the way back apparently ). Chris came 6th in E2 on Day 1, and 9th on Day 2 in Italy. He was reasonably happy with that because as expected the Italians ran away with it. He was top 'Britt'? in the Class. He was particularly pleased to get 8th fastest overall in the 'Extreme Test' on Day 2.

In an event full of machine dramas for Chris before the event even started, it was another big learning experience, with very MX orientated special tests.The going was pretty technical with huge hill climbs, pretty muddy that cut up into big ruts, in very rocky terrain (a bit like Maratoto for those that know it ).

Full race report willl follow once Chris and Monica get back to UK ( a bit of R and R in Paris is planned on the way back apparently ).