Ben Wuz Robbed:

Posted: Mon 16 May 2005

Photo - Ben Townley at Namur:
A great pic taken by NZ's top MX scribe who travelled to Namur.
Email Andy: He may have a photo of you in his extensive files?

p>This report is from Ben Townley`s manager, Glen Dempsey. Visit Ben @ his website:
It features his latest news, pictures, profile etc. and while you're there, leave a message for the young Kiwi in his `Guestbook'.

Townley Robbed of Podium Finish:

New Zealand’s Moto cross phenom, Ben Townley, has been robbed of a podium finish by mechanical gremlins. The twenty-year old from Taupo showed his true fighting spirit and still managed to salvage valuable championship points.

A very tight line in the first corner of race one helped Townley to avoid mud and mayhem as he made up some positions to complete the first lap in fifth position. BT was hot on the heels of fellow countryman, Josh Coppins who in turn was being held up by the Finn, Anti Pyrhonen. Eventually, Pyrhonen wobbled, letting Townley and Coppins by. Townley was pressurizing his fellow Kiwi but was battling to get by on the one-lined circuit when Coppins stalled his bike and handed BT a golden opportunity. The factory KTM immediately pulled a slight gap, however race leaders, Pichon and Smets were too far gone to make a last minute charge. BT was content with his podium finish.

Townley had a great start to race two and looked set to challenge Pichon for the lead but no sooner was the KTM rider into second it was clearly visible that he had a technical problem. ‘BT’ had lost the use of his rear brake and was losing positions lap after lap. Determined not to quit, he kept going, trying to make the best of his misfortune. As the last lap board was shown, Townley was down to fourteenth which under the circumstances was an amazing feat.

“I battled to pass in the first race – it took a long time to get by and once I did I lost too much time on the leaders. Finishing third was ok I guess and good for the championship. I had a really good start in the second moto and moved into second after Everts made an error. That’s when I realized I had no rear brake. I rode the race as fast as I could – any faster and I would have gone down so I just circulated. The weather didn’t help the track conditions over the weekend but I still believe the organisers could have done a better job. It’s unfortunate because it affects the racing considerably and the spectators don’t get to see what the riders are really capable of. I think our input into the preparation and repairing of the circuits should be taken more seriously,” said Townley.

Read The Report: