Girls Only:

Posted: Sun 08 May 2005

Photo - The Ladies in Woodhill:

Power Adventures: Press Release:

The Girls Had a Day Out in Woodhill:

Coaching is the main stay of any sport and to this end Power Adventures promotes the training of every motorcyclists whether expert or beginner, old or young and male or female. This past weekend, the female fraternity enjoyed the hospitality of Power Adventures with the 2005 version of Champagne Coaching. Not only did the ladies spend the Friday evening in Power Adventures Workshop/Warehouse learning about their bikes, technical tips and more, they were also served with champagne and hors d'oeuvres from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm. Learning about tyre choice, chain oiling, handle bar and lever position and where to set the gear and brake pedals. By the end of the evening, the "girls" were primed and ready to go.

Saturday morning saw the whole team of 22 riders, four coaches and two supporters front up at Woodhill for the days riding. Split into three groups of ability, the first lesson was clutch control followed by braking, brake slides and motorcycle control. Advanced wheelies, logs and hills followed with Whoops - being the biggest obstacle for most. Chris and Karl Power gave up some valuable practice time for the National Enduros to come along and impart their knowledge. The more difficult demonstrations were performed by the cousins.

Hazel Rushworth came up from Wellington to give us a hand and to learn a little about coaching techniques and the curriculum that Power Adventures uses. Hazel was able to demonstrate all the skills required which gave confidence to the ladies who until then thought only guys could do the difficult stuff. (Hazel rides the National Enduro Circuit). Greg Power orchestrated the whole shebang and was busy getting together the sumptuous BBQ lunch - with Satays, meatballs and a vast array of salads for all. A treat, way in the middle of the forest.

The improvement over the day was outstanding. Ladies who had never ridden before were having a ball perfecting the controlled wheelies, whilst other riders who had some experience were tackling the huge down hill or trying out the whoops. It was impressive to see the commitment put in by the ladies who without the hassle of partners or kids had a ball. Champagne Coaching is for Ladies only. No spouses, family members or kids allowed. (Except Greg??) It is a ball.

Honda was once again prominent, with no less than 13 of the bikes Honda. The CRF230 and CRF250 are both popular ladies mounts. No doubt about it, Honda makes bikes for everyone.

A special thanks to Hazel for coming up and helping. Much appreciated.

Greg Power.