Josh - Best To Come:

Posted: Mon 04 Apr 2005

Photo - Josh Coppins, showing style at Zolder:

This report is from Josh's manager, Glen Dempsey. Visit Josh @ his Website: Josh It features the Kiwi`s latest news, pictures, profile, wallpapers, etc.

Coppins Survives Demanding Opening To The MX World Champs:

Considering that less than a month ago, Josh Coppins was in hospital nursing a dislocated shoulder, the CAS Honda rider has certainly worked wonders on a physically demanding circuit in Zolder, Belgium at the opening round of the MX1 world championship.

A sixth place finish in the first heat did not do justice to Coppins’ true potential as it was plain to see that the Kiwi was not himself and was riding very conservatively. He did however battle with team-mates Jöel Smets and Kevin Strijbos eventually losing out to Smets at the chequered flag but getting the better of Strijbos.

Survival would be the key word to Coppins’ final race of the day. The rough Zolder circuit punished just about every rider and Lizzard would most certainly not be spared. He fought has hard as he could to defend his eleventh position and salvage as many points as possible under the demanding circumstances.

“I have mixed feelings about this weekend” said Coppins. “I’m happy that I’m seventh in the championship considering all that has happened over the last month. I mean from a dislocated shoulder to racing a GP in three weeks is nothing to complain about. I did the best I could but obviously I know I can be much faster and there are still 16 GP’s to go.”