Today's Update on the Driver Licences

Posted: Tue 15 Jun 1999

Well, responses to our request for experiences with the new drivers licence have been absolutely trickling in. But what we\'ve had has been interesting.
Duncan Bayne had this to say:

I am expecting my full licence to arrive by mail sometime soon, as I have just graduated from a restricted ... If anyone expects me to pay for a new restricted before I get my new full licence ( or for that matter, to pay for a new full licence) they can bite me.
I certainly hope they don\'t have sharp teeth :-).
Ducati_Nick pointed out that if you (foolishly) tick the option that asks if you would like your address displayed on your new licence, then you will have to get a new licence every time you change address.
Finally, and most amusingly, Lee Hurley from the Rusty Nuts MCC points out that it is legal for Muslim women to have their photo taken whilst wearing a yasmak!
If you have anymore wisdom or experiences to share with us, please send them to