The Drivers Licence Again

Posted: Fri 11 Jun 1999

We\'ve had a few responses from people about their concerns with the new drivers licence system. One of the most interesting responses was from Lee Hurley, president of the Rusty Nuts Motorcycle Club. Below is some information from him regarding motorcycle training under the new laws.
Those persons wanting to get a m/c licence are required to sit a test from the \"Motorcycle Road Code\" Which is still not available. It is being proof read still not even printed, the same thing applies to those wanting to get a Commercial type licence ie truck.
Under the new rules, motorcycle instructors were told the day the new rules came in that they would only be able to do \"advanced\" motorcycle courses to shorten \"restricted\" licence periods on a temporary basis, as no courses met the NEW revised criteria.
Not knowing anything about this, I emailed the LTSA and was told that we could use the old system until the 1st of July 99 subject to the following conditions:

  • Approval will expire 1 July 99
  • Course participants must present their course certificate prior to 1 November 99 in order to be eligible for the time discount.
  • The time discount will be 6 months
  • The applicant must , in addition to the course , pass the new full licence test prior to obtaining a full licence.
Under the old system to qualify for a time discount on a \"restricted\'\" was a practical test, 1 on 1 on the road under normal conditions.
The new Criteria means instructors must complete, as a minimum two NZQA unit standard qualifications. These being units 7097 and unit 14522. I contacted NZQA with regards to these course and was told there is not such course as unit 14522. Again Back to the LTSA only to be told \" We haven\'t written it yet\"
So now we have the following. A new rider has to sit a test on a book which doesn\'t exist, and when they get to the Restricted stage they can choose to sit a test to reduce their time on that section of the license, but the course doesn\'t exist, and can not even be taught if it did because there are no qualified instructors. The qualifications they need to reach to teach the non existent course don\'t exist either.
This has been well thought has it not? And we are expected to believe that this will bring the road toll down.
Oh yes, we do know that the old practical test to obtain time discount will be replaced by something called STREETALK. What is STREETALK? Well it appears that it is to be a class room based course, not a practical course. The new course will move into the area of \"Driver self management, decision making, risk assessment, managing risks, self assessment, and self improvement\". Pardon me for thinking that practical skill would be more use.

As to the signing off the licence, it would appear that they could indeed sell off your signature. It is still legal in NZ to \"make your mark\" instead of a signature. So I would suggest that X marks the spot.
I was not surprised to see Container Shipley suggesting already that using your licence as a pub idea card would be a good idea, and that if the drinking age is reduced to 18 ID cards would be a good idea. This only 6 weeks after the first people were sold their Drivers Licence (ID CARDS). Make no mistake folks this is a full blown ID card being brought in the back door. The real problem is that the major opposition party who will most likely win the next election support this as well. They are all control freaks.
This is a real threat to us all. I have been suggesting through the professional driving establishments and
unions etc. that we display our opposition to this law and the upcoming road reforms (where we will have to pay to drive on our own roads). The problem is that those who are prepared to stand up feel that they are alone. They cannot identify others who are standing up as well. For all of us who are prepared to say NO to these blatant rip-offs and inroads into our freedoms, let us identify ourselves to other true Kiwi\'s by the flying of RED, WHITE, and BLUE ribbons off all our vehicles. Patriotic colours for STAND UP KIWIS.
Lee Hurley