Breckland by GasGas:

Posted: Wed 09 Mar 2005

Photo by Jonty Edmunds shows Paul Whibley deep in the Thetford Forest:

Team John Shirt / Gas Gas UK - Press Release:

Paul Whibley made his GAS GAS UK debut at the weekends DISS M.C.C organised 'BRECKLAND' Enduro. With his injured foot more or less healed 'Whibz' looked forward to the event.

To be realistic everyone is fighting for 3rd place this year behind DAVID KNIGHT and PAUL EDMONDSON so this is what we had planned. With HRFE rider Euan McConnell and MX specialist RYAN VOASE, Paul knew it wouldn't be easy. The Championship class this year is VERY competitive with the usual British riders fighting for positions together with some 'foreign' riders which raises the profile of the series and also 'wakes-up' some of our UK riders.

Paul's 6th overall for the weekend,(7th on the Saturday and 5th on the Sunday) was not what we wanted, but with losing three weeks of serious training due to his injury I suppose he did OK.
His test times improved as the weekend went on and he finished very strong proving his fitness etc. A slight suspension 'tweak' and a larger rear chainwheel for the Sunday also helped Whibz as the conditions got rougher.

The overall results are HERE:

MXLarge.Com report HERE: