Daryl Hurley's No Quitter:

Posted: Tue 08 Mar 2005

Photo -Daryl Hurley and a high flying Suzuki at Woodvill '05:
Photo courtesy of Andy McGechan:

Email Andy: He may have a photo of you in his extensive files?

Hurls Doesn't Give In Easily:

You will have read in the Auckland MX Champs: report that Daryl Hurley suffered an eye injury. Allan, whose son Scott Henderson was riding at the event, happened to be right there. He tells:

I was with Tony Cooksley on Sunday when Daryl showed him his eye injury. The lens of the googles had been smashed through and stone/lens had gone into his eye. He took the googles off and rode with one eye closed as his vision was blurred - but withdrew when he got hit again on the skin area adjacent the same eye.

I rang friend, Dr Rosie Kingham who was down at the Holeshot as her daughters were competing in the ladies event - Nellie and Claudia. Rosie is a Doctor who practices as a consultant Anaesthetist. She rang a fellow consultant eye specialist who just happened to be dictating in the practice and said he would see Hurls straight away. We caught up with Hurls later that evening and he said the eye was okay - the blurred vision was caused by the then internal bleeding but it had stopped - very lucky !! He was able to return to Sydney on Monday.

I rang Rosie on Sunday night to tell her the prognosis and she advised that her fee was Hurls' autograph for both girls - which he duly obliged with and I will deliver them tomorrow to Ardmore.