Trials for Whibs:

Posted: Thu 20 Jan 2005

A note and some pics of Paul Whibley on a GasGas trials iron from Warren Laugesen, 5 times NZ Trials Champion:

Whibs Gets Some Lessons:

I have just spent the day riding and teaching Paul Whibley some trials techniques. This has come about through the MNZ High Performance programe to try and give our top world beaters that little something extra to help them get to the very top.

Paul riding a borrowed Gas Gas 250 trials bike made great progress through the day as we tackled a variety of obstacles. He quickly mastered the vertical banks, then slippery logs before getting into some fast flowing river riding with loose boulders.

He thoroughly enjoyed the day and learnt a bit about riding slow (he is not used to that) and now plans to get a Gas Gas trials bike to train on in the UK.

Warren Laugesen