A Female Enduro Star:

Posted: Fri 03 Dec 2004

Watch this space for a few years and you may read about a female Enduro star.
This Notice is hot off the Enduro world press:

Baby Merriman is Born:

It's a girl!!!!
Stefan and Lexy are proud to announce the birth of our baby girl, Krista Jane Merriman on Wednesday 1st December at 4pm.

She is 3.375kg and 51 cm long.
She has the face of her father and her mothers eyes and nose!!
Lexy is recovering well after a long and tiring labour.
Stefan is very happy, and lacking sleep!

Stefan Merriman and Lexy Thorogood are @ stefan.lexy@libero.it

Congratulations guys.
Well done and I note the timing was superb - as it did not interfere with the Enduro calendar.