Sportsman of the Year:

Posted: Fri 03 Dec 2004

Photo - Ben Townley:
Photo courtesy of Andy McGechan:

Email Andy: He may have a photo of you in his extensive files?

Freedom Air People's Choice:

You will be well aware that motorcycle sport has struggled to gain recognition in the wider arena of the sports world in New Zealand, but young Ben Townley has in his short career raised that bar significantly. He has achieved so much in 2004 that to eclipse that in future years will take a major result - although not many will bet that he will not go on and surpass his '04 achievements.

His accolades for the 2004 season have not finished yet though. Last night Ben was chosen as one of the five 'Sportsman of the Year' nominees for the Freedom Air People's Choice Sports Awards. To gain that nomination is an honour indeed and a credit to Ben and those of you who supported his nomination, as there were some notable contenders.

While it is highly likely that the successful nominee's surname will be Carter, it must be remembered that the final result comes down to 'money'. That is - the number of supporters who are prepared to spend 99 cents on a vote. And it just could happen that the vote is split among the four other nominees, to motorcycling's advantage. So if you are feeling flush and prepared to invest 99 cents on your chosen sporting activity - hey it could just happen. It is your choice!

More details are @ Freedom Air People's Choice:

Update: Glen Dempsey, Ben's manager supplies details on how to vote in this update

To add to his list of accolades, Ben Townley of Taupo New Zealand has been selected as one of five finalists in the Freedom Air Peoples Choice award. Being selected can be considered an achievement in itself and BT would like to thank all his fans, family and friends who have supported and of course voted for him thus far.

The race is now on for whom will take home this coveted award so this call goes out to all you motorcycling fans to make a stand and vote for Townley.

Phone on: 0900 33334 - then follow instructions.

Or by SMS Text NZ - key in 'Townley' - then send to: 33334