Stefan Nails Yet Another:

Posted: Tue 02 Nov 2004

Photo - Stefan jumps a stream in the Extreme Test:

This report and more very good photos appear on the WEBSITE: of Stefan Merriman, the Kiwi born Enduro ace (across the ditch they claim him as an Aussie).

Success in Brescia ends a perfect season for Merriman:

By - Lexy Thorogood.

The final and deciding round of the Italian Enduro Championships was held in Boario/Darfo just north of Lago di Iseo in Brescia.Heavy rains preceding the race threatened organisers prior to the event. However the rain slowed the night before the race and by Saturday morning the clouds cleared to reveal blue skies. Despite the fact that the specials and trail were very saturated with water the event ran without too many problems. The riders were to complete 4 laps on Day 1, as all the tests had to be pre-ridden on the first lap without time. The first test was a cross test set at a local motocross track. The track on flat ground with many jumps had been ridden by many riders prior to the event and so the organisers thought it fair that all riders should get to pre-ride it without time. On the second, third and fourth loops Merriman was the fastest out of all the riders in all classes.

Secondly the riders were to complete an extreme test set in a valley up a riverbed. The test crossed the river several times and with all the rain prior to the race the water was flowing deep and fast. It was difficult for the riders to see the best line as the water was so deep in places. The second loop Merriman rode well setting the fastest time and on the following lap got caught behind a slower rider in front and lost time.

The last part of the loop saw the riders compete in a narrow single track enduro test in the forest high up in the mountains. The test was basically on a walking track in the forest on most hard stony ground littered with chestnut leaves and cases, which made it very slippery.

About the race on Saturday, Merriman said, "I was pleasantly surprised the weather was so nice and sunny, as we have had four days of non stop rain. the trail had some very difficult places, one place in particular was really hard everyone was pushing to get through and the organisers eventually had to take it out. I had good fun riding the Yamaha 450 again as it has such good power in all conditions. I liked the motocross test, it was great despite the mud. The extreme was difficult as it crossed the river so many times and because of all the rain the river was flooded. A lot of luck is involved in the extreme test which, as per usual was very hit and miss when it comes to success. You can't be sure where the best line is, a good run through doesn't gain you much advantage but there is a possibility of losing a lot of time if you take a wrong line. "

Results - Italian Enduro Championships - Boario Terme, Brescia ITALY