ISDE Day 5 - from Lexy:

Posted: Sun 19 Sep 2004

Photo - Stefan Merriman places the UFO Corse Yamaha in the Parc Ferme at the end of a satisfying Day 5, Poland.

Check out the WEBSITE: of Stefan Merriman, the Kiwi born Enduro ace (across the ditch they claim him as an Aussie) for photos (including this event) his profile, events calendar, etc.

Unstoppable Merriman leads the E2 class and Individual overall by 57 seconds!!

By Lexy Thorogood

Sunny conditions prevailed on Day 5 of the International Six Days of Enduro in Kielce, Poland. The morning was cold, about 5 degrees but warmed up to around 20 degrees by 2pm. The riders completed a different loop today consisting of the first cross test from Day 1 (Wincentow), the first cross from Day 4 (Janow Gorny) and the third test from Day 4 (Koloman). Merriman started the day with all pistons firing, winning the first test from Salminen by more than 5 seconds. No other rider in any class could get closer to Merriman in the first test. Salminen made a comeback in the following two tests, but only gaining a small difference. Merriman maintained his lead and won the day by nearly 6 seconds. Merriman aimed to win the Day from Salminen, despite the fact that Salminen's accrued time total puts him out of contention for a place on the podium in the final individual classification due to his time penalties on Day 2.

About Day 5, Merriman said,"I am pleased to have won the E2 class and the overall classification today. Although Salminen is out of contention for the final podium result, I enjoy battling with him in the special tests and it is challenging. The tests and trail were incredibly bumpy and dusty and was very hard on the body. It was difficult to choose good lines in the tests as the powdery ruts kept getting pushed out further from the inside of the peg making it slow. However the inside lines were very slippery without the berms. Only one day to go now, so I hope the best for the final moto tomorrow."