Letter from the Townleys:

Posted: Mon 13 Sep 2004

Photo - MX2 World Champion, Ben Townley:
Courtesy - Andy McGechan:
Email Andy He just may have a photo of you?

So, what's it like to be World Champion family??
This from the Townleys:

Well it is all quite surreal !!!!
It was a great day for lots of people who have been part of the team on the journey with this big plan !!!!

And perhaps the greatest part to it all was the grand slam ..... he rode like a true champion...the double win as testimony to it. Yes we did celebrate a little on Saturday nite...KTM put on a small? party at the track and the celebrations ran thru until the early hours of Sunday am....we were all rather a sad lot draped about Belfast airport yesterday am !!!!

Tonight there is a big parade and party with Stefan & Ben .. they have a band in a huge tent .. expecting around 5,000 people (this is a fans party).

Am struggling with this key board .... it is a dutch laptop so the keys are positioned very differently... We have a few days here with Ben before returning home. He goes to Munich, Wednesday / Thursday for the big bike show, so it will only be a few precious hours that we actually have together in the end.

Thanks for all the support guys, will be in touch later next week.

Yours in MX .
The Townley's of Taupo.