Watts Writes:

Posted: Wed 08 Sep 2004

The Aussie Shane Watts: who is campaigning in the States has fought hard to Overcome Injuries: to get back to his previous competitive form.
Shane`s PR will be regularly updating Silver Bullet with his progress.

Watts just misses victory at National Hare Sramble round 7:

KTM Offroad racer Shane Watts had disaster strike and subsequently just missed the victory of round 7 of the National Hare Scramble championship held at Kahoka, Missouri over the weekend.

Held in perfect conditions Watts began the race in sixth position where he remained for the first lap before putting on a charge to the front. By half way through the fourth lap Watts had extended his lead out to nearly a minute when disaster struck by running out of fuel. Luckily the course was near the pits so Watts cruised toward the pit area on vapours, and finally having to push up the last little rise to the pits to receive a quick top up.

From there it back to where he had exited the course and then to continue on racing. Again Watts charged into the lead only to be caught by Jason Raines with two laps remaining. Raines made the pass when a lapped rider baulked Watts and then gained a substantial gap when Watts had to pit for fuel at the beginning of the last lap. Low on energy Watts rode hard but without mistake on the last circuit to finish a fine second.

Shane commented, "Lately it has been seeming that it has been taking me a little while to get up to speed at the start of each race thus I wasn't riding so good to start with but then half way through the first lap I got totally filled in at the mudhole on the course. This pissed me off and then I started to charge and ride really good. I got out to a decent lead only to run out of fuel at the 1 hour 15 minute mark. I don't know what the deal was with that because my 200EXC always makes an hour and a half. Anyway, I charged back into the lead and was riding really strong but then I started to fade on the last two laps which allowed Raines to reel me in and take the victory. I was pretty annoyed by that however I do take some consolation in the fact that I haven't been able to practice lately due to some injuries I've been dealing with, and getting a really bad cold infection on Friday. Also due to the hurricane in Florida my flight from Orlando got cancelled so I had to jump in my pick-up on Friday lunchtime and drive the 21 hours to the race."

"I was extremely happy with the way I rode especially considering the what I dealing with at the moment. My confidence was coming back somewhat and I was able to attack without making mistakes. It was a good feeling to be able to ride a lot closer to 100% of my ability level than what I have been for quite a while. That makes me heaps happier!"

National Hare Scramble - Round 7

1. Jason Raines (YAM)
2. Shane Watts (KTM)
3. Cole Calkins (KAW)
4. Brian Garrahan (KTM)
5. Chuck Woodford (KAW)