Spoilt Couch Potatoes:

Posted: Mon 06 Sep 2004

Well haven't the kiwi motorcycle sport couch potatoes been spoilt this weekend........

Prime with assistance from Yamaha NZ picked up the live screening rights (that the supposedly dedicated sports channels of SKY had said were - far too expensive!) of MotoGP and Rossi repaid the favour extended by Yamaha NZ by proving again that the M1 does have what it takes, with a bit of help from Burgess & co, by going to the front early and then running away to hide from a swarm of Hondas.

Then the much maligned WSBK round at Assen provided a thrilling demonstration of just how many bikes (SuperBike & SuperSport) can fit under a postage stamp and we must not be so churlish and thank SKY for that.

Now all we need is *live* MX GPs and life will be complete for the couch potatoes.

Do you want to thank Yamaha for putting their money where their mouth is, and why would you not? go Here: