Hayden 8th.

Posted: Wed 01 Sep 2004

Photo - Hayden Fitzgerald:
Courtesy - Andy McGechan:
Email Andy He just may have a photo of you?

Hayden Fitzgerald writes again from the Isle of Man where he is riding a Team Wilson and Collins Kawasaki ZX600r at the ManxGP.

Hi all

It is a different racing scene all together, just the way the track can change from lap to lap dramatically. I get a thrill here yea, and the help is great.

The track was wet at the bottom of the island and strong winds over the mountain. The pit stop went really quick and smooth to allow me a better position. I was 10th going into the pits and 9th coming out, then caught another guy over the last 2 laps which put me into 8th place.

I have the Senior race on Friday which will be Midnight Saturday your time in NZ. With one lap of practice on Wednesday.


Full results of Hayden's Newcomer's A class Are Here:

A good photo of Hayden is @ RealRoadRacing.Com: