Joseph Andrell:

Posted: Fri 27 Aug 2004

Another young gun who seems destined to follow the King, Coppins, Townley path is Joseph Andrell

You may want to check out his really cool site AndrellRacing: This report on the Taupo Winter Series (Rd 5) is from Joe's website.

Back to my Favourite Track:

Going into the weekend I was feeling confident as my mechanic Steve had just given my bike a full rebuild and it was crisp as.....
After practice disaster struck my bike, it started to loose top end power, so much so that if we didn’t sort the problem out I wouldn’t make the start of race 1, we tried everything to fix it with what we had, unfortunately we were unable to pinpoint the problem forcing me to sit out race 1.

Race 2.
Lucky for me Cyclespot’s Mark (Krabo) Krabbenbos who was in a different race than me let me use his bike for the day, it was the same as mine, a Honda CRF 250, it just wasn’t set up for me, as I had never ridden the bike before I didn’t no what to expect, I ended up pulling the hole shot though, and leading through the first few laps with Kawasaki NZ’s Kirk Bezzant hard on my rear tire, he eventually got by me as my arms pumped up due to the hard suspension not set up for me, I did my best to hold of KTM NZ’s Tommy Madams, he also got by me though putting me back, I ended up fourth.

Race 3.
Before this race we put my front folks onto the borrowed bike that I was riding, feeling much more confident now that we done that I felt I would go much better, I pulled another hole shot, this time though I got passed on the first straight, later that lap a Yamaha rider took a corner to hot and took me out!, with the bike handling way better now with my folks I felt strong and no arm pump, I put my head down and charged hard cutting through the pack fast.

After a few laps I found myself in second with AMPS supported rider Cameron Huggins ahead of me with a pretty good lead I knew that It would be hard to catch him, I kept pushing chipping away at his lead, lap by lap, after three laps or so I closed right up on to his back wheel.

With a few laps to go I went for the pass at the end of a straight unfortunately for me there was a lapper right in my way, as Cameron came to the corner he had to go high so I went low, the lapper tried to move low to let Cameron through, in doing so he came to low and took me out! I lost the lead and causing me to finish in third.

I had a great day considering the start, special thanks to Cyclespot’s Mark (Krabo) Krabbenbos for lending me his bike and get the ride time I need to be able to compete in Australia which is just a few weeks away. I am looking forward to it and now have my fitness back up to the level I need to compete and win!