Trials Helps Everything:

Posted: Tue 17 Aug 2004

Photo - Stefan Merriman at Bay Park, circa 1990.

The writer has been around for awhile. How long is none of your business but it has been long enough to form a firm opinion that the one discipline that is central to all motorcycling disciplines is - Trials Riding.

Trials is an underrated and under estimated motorcycle sport that has been succinctly summed up by - periods of boredom, interspersed with moments of sheer terror".

All those who have persevered with the frustratingly difficult acquisition of Trials skills to a standard of some degree of competence will be much better riders for that. No matter if that be off-road or on-road, the benefit is significant as the aquired co-ordinated reflexs of trials are pivotal to all those elements of two wheeled expertise.

No matter what level one starts at, improvement will ensue with determined practise. (I am a perfect example; I started out being absolutely hopeless but improved tremendously and finished up being just a bit hopeless.) But while we can't all be Merrimans and Laugesons, Trials is worth taking a serious look at.
As did Glenn Kearney: