Blake Qualified:

Posted: Mon 12 Jul 2004

Photo - Blake Gillard

Blake's Website:

Update on Blake Gillard:

From - Shayne Rice:

Blake has managed to qualify for the German MX Open.

It was always going to be a tough ask for Blake to qualify for the German Open, Senior 125 - 450 class, but in true Gillard style he gave it his best shot and managed to qualify aboard his KTM 125.
What makes this even more incredible is that, not only was he the only Kiwi 125 rider to qualify - he was the only 125 period!

As this story was being published, Blake had just 15 minutes to make the start line after causing some damage to his cylinder/barrel; Fortunately for Blake some old friends he’d met from a previous trip to Europe “Team Kosak KTM” were on hand to provide him with another bike. Therefore, the scramble will be on to get all of Blake’s custom parts transferred in time for the start.

Meanwhile back here in New Zealand, Paul Ottaway (KTM NZ) has already been in contact with KTM Austria and has organized replacement parts to be shipped to Blake in time for the Junior World Champs.
Overall results will follow soon.