ISDE 2006:

Posted: Thu 08 Jul 2004

The 2006 ISDE scheduled to be staged in the Taupo region in 2006 is not yet set in concrete.

"HB Today" has reported that:
MNZ CEO Trevor Gill will travel to Paris in October to meet the people who have the worlwide rights to the ISDE to sew up the event

That report quotes Trevor Gill as follows:
"We have the rights to (host) it but there is now a worldwide promoter involved."

"Since awarding MNZ hosting rights 12 months ago, the FIM had put in place a worldwide promoter for Enduro racing based in Spain or Italy."

"We have to negotiate with them now on which things to sell as well as sponsorship. We are not able to do that until October when I go to the FIM congress in Paris and meet ABC Limited:"

"Contacts with ABC through e-mail had been patchy with the language aspects. The company had not asked for a fee yet."

"We understand they have the worlwide naming rights and television sponsorship - this is different from the conditions 12 months ago when we were allocated the event. We just got to work it through - we are still very keen to host it."

The report also states - that NZ will not send a team to Poland: this year but intend a presence in Finland next year.