Ben in Uddevalla: UPDATED

Posted: Mon 05 Jul 2004

Photo - Ben in Swedish Mud.

This report is from Ben Townley`s PR man, Glen Dempsey.

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Townley Takes a Full House :

New Zealand motocross prodigy, Ben Townley has taken maximum points and his sixth overall GP win of the season at a spectacular circuit in Uddevalla, Sweden. The weekend was plagued with rain but that would not stop the kiwi from victory.

The first turn would be a muddy lottery and as the pack of MX2 riders jumped from the gate and charged for the hole-shot, Townley stayed out of trouble and came through a little soiled but in second position. A turn later he made a great pass on former world champ, Andrea Bartolini for the lead and took control of the race. Townley’s lap times were at some stages three seconds a lap faster than his closest rivals but the kiwi seemed calm and collected and never put a foot wrong until the chequered flag.

“At the start of the race I was riding a bit stiff so I tried to relax and that helped a lot. The track was actually easier to ride when it was still raining, I could use the sludge a bit better for traction and in the turns,” explained Townley.

The rain clouds subsided before the start of the second race and as the pack shot into the first turn, Townley was once again placed well. The kiwi lost no time in moving to the front and as the KTM 250 F passed the time keepers, Townley had a substantial lead. BT clocked consistent times lap after lap and controlled the race with his smooth riding style. As the last lap board was shown the kiwi took time to salute his kiwi supporters who had travelled so far to support their hero.

“I came here today wanting to gain the full fifty points and build on my championship lead. The track was one lined in the second heat but I still managed to find some good lines to pass. I concentrated on being consistent throughout the race and it worked pretty well for me,” said a delighted Townley.

Townley leads the MX2 championship by seventy-seven points.

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