Letter From Jace:

Posted: Fri 18 Jun 2004

Jason is a guy from Kaitaia who landed a dream job with Alpinestars that took him to numerous major events around the world.

We haven't heard from him for awhile and it was a little sad to get this letter from Jace. We wish you well Jace and expect that you will make life on the farm extremely non-boring.

Hello all,

Sometimes things have a way of happening that puts everything into perspective, this has happened to me over the last few days with word that my father has been diagnosed with Leukaemia and is in hospital with pneumonia. 

Long term things look positive, however his recovery will take some time and I have taken the obvious, but difficult decision to return to New Zealand to be with him, and to take over the day to day work on the family farm that is building up.
Over the last 3 years working with Alpinestars I have made some fantastic relationships with so many of you around the racing world and it is these relationships that I find particularly difficult to leave behind, however my priorities have now changed and so I am trading in my racing uniform for a pair of overalls and gum boots.
I want to thank you all for your cooperation in working with me over the years and in so fulfilling so many dreams and ambitions I have had.  I wish you all the very best in your futures in what ever they may be.
My last day in the office will be Wednesday the 30th of June after which I can be only contacted on the following. 
I will not be now attending the Dutch Moto GP in Assen as originally scheduled, but instead in Belgium for the World Motocross GP.  As much as I would like to see you all before I leave, this is not possible and so I hope to cross paths with you all again some day soon.
I promise to send a photo of me milking the cows... in my racing uniform!
Best wishes,
Jason Steele
Racing Development
Alpinestars S.p.a
Asolo, Italy