The Moose Run:

Posted: Tue 08 Jun 2004

The Aussie Shane Watts: who is campaigning in the States has fought hard to Overcome Injuries: to get back to his previous competitive form.
Shane`s PR will be regularly updating Silver Bullet with his progress.

Watts Struggles to 4th in the "Moose Run"

KTM Offroad team racer Shane Watts succumbed to extreme fatigue at round 3 of the Offroad Motorcycle Nationals and struggled to finish the race in fourth position. The race is known as the Moose Run, and is billed as the toughest race in America and goes for well over 4 hours.

Following a 6th place start Watts finally moved forward into third position by the end of the first 38 minute lap after carefully picking his way through the thick, uncleared undergrowth and overgrown trails. By then the lead two riders had already established a one minute lead. The next four laps of fast riding saw Watts unable to put any significant dent into that lead margin. The technical trails and hot and very humid conditions finally took its toll on the Australian who then experienced severe cramping on the second last lap. From there on it was survival mode until the checkers, having to drop back a position halfway through the final lap.

"Not long after the three hour mark I just hit the wall. It took all that I had to push through the pain of the cramps to make the finish. There were minutes at a time of riding where all I could do was sit down and let my legs drag behind, trying not to cry, while waiting for the cramps to go away. It was excruciating. Not only am I now trying to recover my fatigued body but also the huge case of monkey butt I have!"

Watts now looks forward to round 9 of the GNCC in Virginia this weekend (June 13)

OMA Round 3 - Moose Run
1. Chuck Woodford (KAW)
2. Jimmy Jarrett (YAM)
3. Cole Calkins (KAW)
4. Shane Watts (KTM)
5. Nathan Kanney (YAM)