Luke Was in France: Updated:

Posted: Mon 07 Jun 2004

An entry in the World Motocross MX1 Championship, St. Jean d´Angely (France),Round 8, was Luke Burkhart on a Suzuki.

Luke was in around place 21 when he went AWOL on the timing screen in the third lap of the first Moto. He did not appear in the 2nd Moto and we trust that he is OK ?

Luke\'s Mum - Donna Burkhart has kindly advised us that;

Luke was passing for 18th place in the 1st moto and crashed, just clipping the fence with his back wheel, which put him over the bars. He has a bruised elbow/arm & damaged the bike, but will be fine for Italy next week.

Luke was riding a Suzuki RM250 which he hadn\'t ridden before the practice day........ So it was all very rushed.