Note From Paul:

Posted: Wed 12 May 2004

Photo by - Andy McGechan:

Another note from Paul Whibley.
Whibs is campaigning the 2004 season with HONDA RACING FAST EDDY:

If you would like to send Whibs your support he is @

Italy & France:

Hi New Zealand.

We have been pretty busy for the last month. Been on the road for three weeks. I have raced the WEC in Italy on 24th, 25th April and in France on 8th. 9th of May.

I will start with Italy.
We arrived on Wednesday afternoon. Preparation began with the usual walking of the tests and testing. There had been a lot of rain in the area and the tests were a bit wet, but the weather was fine and the tests were drying fast. But on Friday night it started to rain again and by Saturday morning everything was soaked. The rain held off most of Saturday but the tests were slippery. My test times were consistent.

At the end of the day I decided to change my front tyre as the conditions had dried a lot and the mud tyre on the front wasn\'t working so good. In the fifteen minute work period I changed the rear tyre ok and started the front, but had problems. The moose kept pushing the tyre off the rim on the opposite side to which I was working. The problem was the moose was too big for the tyre. I ended up running out of time and had to put the bike in the parc ferme without a front tyre.

Then things got really complicated. Since there had been new rules and changes this year I had involuntarily become a test case. The officials originally said that I wasn\'t allowed to finish like this and I was excluded from the day. Later that night the jury decided I was allowed and I could finish Saturday and start Sunday which was good, as I finished 4th on Saturday.

On Sunday I finished 7th. I was really happy with these results as Sunday was extremely wet and it was just survival. I had some good times in the tests. I actually finished 6th but somehow the organisers say I lost a minute somewhere. There was a lot of confusion at some check as some sections had to be cut and rerouted and time allowances were given to allow riders to follow a new course to the original time control, it all got really messy.

Anyway on to France and guess what? More rain!
It rained all week in the lead up to the race and the tests went from wet to drenched. There was a wicked xtreme test with some steep (vertical) hills and rock sections.

The day for me started slow with some average times and in the second cross test I crashed twice but I pulled it together and had some good times. IN the last test around a grass hill, with some tree sections I finished second overall, one second behind Salminen (the class leader).

I impounded the bike and walked back to the pits. I was greeted with the great news I had finished 3rd for the day. My first podium. I was really pumped. I had to go to media conference and jump up onto the podium. Only problem was, I have had no voice for about three weeks and this made the interview tricky.

Sunday was not so kind. I had a big crash in the first xtreme test. I got off line on the bottom of a rock ledge and didn\'t make the top. I fell back down and did some damage to the bike, resulting in a lot of time being lost in the test. I was fighting for 14th place mid way through the day. I pushed hard and fought my way back to 7th. So I had salvaged some good points from a bad day.

In four weeks time the WEC will be in Sweden, with a Fast Eddy before then, so until next time
