Otaki trailride

Posted: Mon 03 May 2004

I must be jinxed at the moment, because all the rides I seem to do lately are fully muddy as anything. Its always heaps of fun riding in these conditions though, because people are falling off (or coming close to it) left, right, and center (including myself most of the time) in really random places that normally are easy as to ride. Today was no exception. After battling round the first loop on my KDX I was extremely thankful for struggling to fit a rear tire to the bike the night before- I didn’t even manage to pinch the tube this time!

I was so stoked because my dad had decided to have a go today as well, first time in... I can’t remember it’s been that long since he did a trail ride. Riding AFC’s KTM400 he came back in exhausted after the first loop. After having a go on it round the track I could understand why. The bike felt very light and agile to ride, pretty much like a little motocrosser apart from its arm wrenching power. After the first 15 minutes my arms just ached from holding on. I really also loved having a ride on the new DRZ400 as the power just rolled on gently. It felt quite a lot heavier but it was rideable, best part on this bike was going down the big slippery hills out the back because of the bucket loads of engine braking. It’s going to be so hard going back to my own bike now!

The Horewhenua club put countless hours of work into this ride and it showed. Unfortunately quite a lot of the tracks got closed off by the afternoon because it was just getting so slippery. I don’t think there were as many riders as they possibly hoped for because of the undecided weather and the fact there were other events on in different places this weekend. Still this was a really good event, with a good lunch and heaps of time to get a day’s riding in.

Hazel Rushworth