Desiree in Welkom #2

Posted: Sat 17 Apr 2004

Silver Bullet is one of only a few Websites worldwide that receives Desiree Crossman`s newsy behind the MotoGP scene column (not always PC). She reports on #21 John (Hopper) Hopkin`s MotoGP exploits and her own as they travel the globe.

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Day One At Welkom:

First day of the season went well today. The weather was nice and warm with a small breeze. Everyone was out and it looks like we\'re all off to a good start so far, emphasize - so far. The only thing that was irritating was the power kept shutting off and on. As soon as the power would switch back on, there it would go, shutting off. Oooohh it was driving me up the wall. But it\'s something we have to deal with down here, and the worst is when John was pushing for his flying lap when the damn tv\'s went blank with one minute to go. I was having a few words with the tv even though it\'s petty. Oh well, John got caught up with Loris anyway and didn\'t get his time, so we\'re hoping for it tommorrow.

Anyway, the first session went really well for everyone it seems. The only exciting thing that I saw was that WCM\'s rider ran off the track. Don\'t recall anyone crashing, nor during the second session as well. John and Kenny have been doing really well today apart from John\'s bike breaking down in the qualifying session. Consistancy is key and that\'s favoring them so far. The morale in the garage is positive and I think everyone is excited to be racing again. We also got a new pit complex as well so we\'re looking sharp. :) Valentino looks real comfortable on the Yamaha, fastest again (no surprise), Max seems to be in high spirits from what it shows on the tv. Shinya and Alex, stepping it up for \"Team Green\". Everyone just seems to be in a happy cheery mood, what the hell is going on? I\'ve yet to see any frustration, but I don\'t want to jinx ANYONE!!!

Yesterday, I was chatting with Alicia Edwards for the longest time and Gracie, who walks now, is so adorable. She\'s the next paddock brat cause\' all she wanted to do was jump on the scooter or anything with wheels. Cute kid and lucky me I got to chat with Alicia who was on Friends!!! We were joking around about that, she\'s cool for a Texan. LOL :)

Well not much to write about today just a good vibe down here so far. There is a small possibility for rain tommorrow which I hope it doesn\'t. John\'s keen on getting a fast time to move up on his grid position. We\'re anxious.

As the words from Ace Ventura, alrighty then..............Will write more tommorrow.

Bye for now.