Josh Says:

Posted: Sun 11 Apr 2004

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Three down - thirteen to go!

Lizzard runs us through the first six heats of the MX1 GP season

Hi everyone.
Well we’re three GP,s into the season - that’s six motos. Last year we only did twelve motos the entire year! I have to say I love the old two moto format and my results are reflecting it too. The first GP in Zolder was plagued with rain, rain and lots of ruts. I liked the track as it was fun but really difficult. I was happy to go home safe and with a bunch of points. The track caught out a lot of riders with the unpredictable ruts, mud and jumps. I personally had a lot of trouble with the gushing wind - it was really scary jumping the big finish table top as you didn’t know if you were going to be swept away or land safely.

The first race I rode really tight and stiff and only managed seventh place - I was pissed with that result and wanted to improve for the second race which I did - second place and I lead for a long time only to let Mellote past. I really wanted the win but wasn’t prepared to take any risks to win the moto at the first GP of the season.

We didn’t do too much training in the week between Zolder and Bellpuig (Spain) as I took it a bit easy and did some trials riding (No, not trail riding) with BT. On the Wednesday before the Spanish GP we went riding in Durler(south Belgium) with my mechanic Fabio. He stayed back to help me with training and then drove our motor home to Spain.(Thanks Fabio) Tom Church, Everts, Bervoets and half the GP paddock were on our Friday flight to Barcelona. Bellpuig went well for me and you guessed it – it was raining once again.
The track was very one lined, so a second and third result wasn’t too bad. The best thing was that I was only four points from the championship lead and I wanted the red leader’s number plate really bad! We had a bit of hard luck when the rental car broke down and BT, Tom, and I had to drive the motor home back to Belgium. I was pretty much over driving fourteen hours after a tough GP! Ben had first shift with Tom no where to be seen (sound asleep). I got the grave yard shift (1 am to 4 am). Man, were we buggered but we got home safe and sound no thanks to TC’s pleasant dreams.

I got a little sick in the week up to Portugal so took it easy and tried to ride on the Wednesday at a track called Den Dungen in Holland. It was a cool track but not feeling too well I just cruised. Friday at 7 am Tom and I flew to Porto and were once again welcomed by a wet track, however this time our luck would change as it looked like it would dry out in time for Sunday’s race. The track layout looked really cool - big jumps and loads of fun.

Moto 1 started off with a great start(second into the first corner behind Everts) but then Kenneth Gundersen hit me in the third turn and I went down hard and damaged the fuel tank. I remounted last and charged back to tenth only to run out of fuel on the last lap – Bummer!
Second moto, I finished third and tried to push past Stefan at the 20 minute mark for 2nd but he was riding well and I couldn’t get by. Obviously I’m disappointed to have dropped back to 4th in the points but stick with me, I’ll get back up there.

Coming up I have a weekend off to recharge the batteries and then a British championship. After that it’s GP four and five.
Until then check out all the new photos on the site and stay tuned for some good results!
