
Posted: Tue 06 Apr 2004

From - Todd Sutherland
Bike Mart
Phone: 025 292 6889
Or E-mail - Todd:

Supermoto gets Serious:

Shayne King, Tony Rees, Mark Whyte, Stephen Briggs, Nigel Healey, and Craig Flood, the Bike Mart Supermoto has seen them all and this year\'s event will be even better.

Sunday, April 18 sees the 5th running of true Supermotos at Taupo. (the weekend after Easter) Come along and try the fastest growing motor sport in the country. You\'ve heard all the hype, now\'s the time to do it.
See for event details.

What you need to know to be able to compete at a Supermoto if you own a dirt bike is - Here:

Nigel Bevin has got his all new - Supermoto Series: ready to go at Taupo.

You can now justify buying the few extra bits because now you are going to get in heaps more riding on the same bike!!
