Whibs Writes:

Posted: Thu 25 Mar 2004

Photo by - Andy McGechan

Another note from Paul Whibley. Whibs is campaigning the 2004 season with HONDA RACING FAST EDDY:

If you would like to send Whibs your support he is @
: paulwhibley@hotmail.com

Spain and Portugal:

Hi guys,
Well its been a flat out couple of weeks.
After the first British Championship, Katherine, Scotty and some mechanics drove down to Spain for the first WEC. I was lucky, I flew down. We all met up at the race place Tuesday afternoon. The country side in this area looked very desert like with only sparse scrubby plants on the hills. They say it only rains a couple of times a year here.

I immediately started to walk tests. The one I had found was X test 2, a test we nick named the jump test. In this test the organisers had gone to a lot of trouble to build doubles everywhere, and in some cases damn big doubles!

In the following days I walked the rest of the tests. X test 1 was what appeared to be a grass test, but in the grass were hundreds, no thousands of nasty rocks. The Enduro test was kind of like a MX track with a sick hill climb in it. I was a little worried about it but I thought if I just hit it wedged in 3rd I should be right.

Race day came and the saying \"The rain falls mainly on the plain in Spain\" is bullshit, cause it falls in the hills as well. The trail was difficult to start with but light rain made rocks that much more slippery. Some climbs became really tough. One hill was taken out but replaced with another hill that still required a lot of dog paddling.

My times were average. I stuggled with conditions of the tests, as in some ruts were deep bull dust (powder) and on the clean grass lines were so slippery from the rain. It was a weird combo of conditions in some tests. I finished 11th in class, not overly happy but a better start than last year.
Sunday was better I felt I could push harder and I finished 8th. This put me 8th in class after round one.

We packed up on Monday cleaning all gear in preparation for a full 12 hour drive on Tuesday to the 2nd round in Portugal.

The same cycle started over again, walk tests and test bike before scrutineering and impound. The tests in Portugal looked nice. X test 1 was in a paddock in town with good dirt (loamy in some places). The Enduro test was a mix of fast and tight stuff with rocky ground. X test 2 was 6km long, starting in quite a tight grass section and moving into some faster sections through gum trees, a bit like Australia. This round also had an Extreme test which started on top of a rocky hill, dropping down to the bottom and back up an even rockier? section. Kind of trials type stuff.

On Saturday I got off to a good start, 3rd in class after the first test. The rest of the day went well, some good test times, only problem was I failed a plug before the start of the Enduro test. I changed plugs ok and thought nothing more of it. I finished the day in 8th, happy with my times.

Sunday I was woken with the news I had been disqualified for outside assistance. Basically when I changed my plug I was handed a spanner from my bum bag. I was gutted (to say the least). I had to put it behind me as I had another day of racing to do.

I had some good times with another 3rd in the first test, as well as a 2nd and 3rd in the Extreme tests. I was happy with these times finishing 5th in class for the day, with a best overall of 16th.
\"(Of course not one to show his happiness, although there was a slight smile when told 5th place, this helped make up for a disappointing Saturday).\"

After two days driving I`m now back in Lichfield, Birmingham preparing for an indoor enduro this weekend with the first round of the Fast Eddy series (UK GNCC series) the following weekend.

Catch you later
Typist: Katherine