The Best We'll Get;

Posted: Fri 13 Feb 2004

We have been dumped on by Sky and the best we will get in 2004 is as follows:

I wrote to Anna Gowan @ TVNZ:

Thank you for your reply.
I and many others are feeling very let down by Sky and we are pleased to hear that TVNZ are to show MotoGP, albeit, a delayed broadcast.
But - is that to be an abbreviated version of the race, or will TVNZ show the whole race ??
I keenly await your reply.
Bill Walch

The reply:

Dear Bill
Thank you for your email.
The Moto GP will be screened in a magazine format, with highlights from the various events within the Moto GP. For this reason, the Moto GP race will not be screened in its entirety.
Thank you
Anna Gowan