Des Catches Up:

Posted: Tue 30 Dec 2003

Silver Bullet is one of only a few Websites worldwide that receives Desiree Crossman`s newsy behind the MotoGP scene column (not always PC). She reports on #21 John (Hopper) Hopkin`s MotoGP exploits and her own as they travel the globe.

You can send your support to John - HERE:

The Year 2004, just around the corner!!! :

Wow, what an exciting year! It definitely had it\'s ups and downs but it\'ll be one to remember that\'s for sure.

In my opinion, despite the frustration among the team and occasional semi-decent places, I really enjoyed this year. We experienced more adventures, we drove around Europe, we missed flights, lost personal belongings, met a few famous people, finally got to rent cars, John getting disqualified, and the occasional alcohol consuming moments. I think it was a good idea to write about it and let people know alittle more then what they get on TVs or in mags. It was cool and the team is pumped for next year. I\'m confident the team\'s situation will become more illustrious.

After going to the test in Malaysia, we\'ve been kept really busy. I like Christmas, but it\'s by far the most stressful holiday EVER!!! I shopped nearly everyday looking for things for everyone. John did the whole get the tree and decorate it job, \'cause I was in charge of the gift job. Funny how that works. It was abit stressful, I was up every morning on the computer for a few hours doing, YES, work!!!! And then off the mall. Mad house.

Anyway, when we got back from Malaysia, we went up to the Long Beach IMS at the convention centre in Long Beach. The Faster movie had a booth there and we thought it would be good to go up and promote it. Plus it\'s close and there was no testing going on. So we drove up and went to the show, John did some autograph signing as well as introduce the movie. There were about 200 people there for the premier which was alright, not too bad. I don\'t know how much they are getting at other shows or showings, but we thought it was neat. So anyway, John introed the movie, we watched it, and then went to a really nice hotel in Santa Monica. The producer of the movie had a family emergency so we never got to see him. Plus the director was stuck in England, so the whole time we were there, we were working with unknown people. But they took care of us and like I said, we stayed in Santa Monica for a night provided by the director. It was probably the most elegant hotel we stayed at but exceptionally low key. It was called Shutters and you guesed it, there were shutters everywhere. It was really, really, really nice and cosy.

The next day, we were waiting on a call to see if we were going go watch a taping of the \"Tonight Show\", so we drove up to Malibu for giggles. Took the Pacific Coast Highway all the way up and checked out all the homes. We saw this one house that was designed like a golden palace. It was ridiculous, and not to mention the tiny backyard it had, was slowly diminishing. Who\'d want to buy a golden palace ready to fall off the cliff literally? Anyway, some of the houses we saw were bizzare! Practically hanging off the cliff with beams sticking out. There are some crazy homes built up there. We even stopped at the Starbucks in the Malibu country centre or something like that. Yeah, we felt cool! :)

During that time, we got the call to say we were going to the taping, so we drove to Burbank to the NBC Studios. We got to be on the guest list cause\' you know how it works in LA, somebody knows somebody who also knows somebody. To make it short, we were taken care of and at the end of the show we got to back stage and check out the studios. It was cool and we weren\'t even expecting to get that. We even got to meet you know who, Jay himself. He was cool.

After that, we went drove back to our house and since then it\'s been busy. Kawasaki rider, Alex Hoffman came to the states for a holiday. He first went to Florida, then Vegas, and then down to our neck of the woods. For the few days he was here, John and he did some riding down in El Cajon and Elsinore. He was stoked to ride the tracks over here cause\' apparently the conditions are different. Plus I\'m sure he was amused by all the lifted trucks everywhere with dirtbikes in the back, different scenery as well. He ended up going back to Germany a day after.

A few days after that, I decided it was time for me to get a car. See, I don\'t think I\'ve mentioned this, but John and I both got rid of our old trucks. We got a new Tacoma back in August but I never got one. So everytime we were home, I was driving a rental car. Finally I got one, a new Civic. I am a proud owner I admit, plus I got a good deal on it. I bargained the dealer down a thousand dollars and told him I wouldn\'t pay the original price. Needless to say it worked and I drove away with a new ride. Doesn\'t sound like much, but I wasn\'t going to pay the original price. I guess it was somewhat of a Christmas present but it\'s actually a Hopper Racing car.

We went out to the desert for a day for my little brother\'s birthday cause\' he wanted to go there. We took along John\'s nieces and nephew for the first time and they had fun. Although all 3 of them either crashed or ran into bushes, they had a blast and we hung out watching the kids ripping around on dirtbikes. It was a day in the dirt.

I hope Christmas was good for everyone, we had a good one. Loads of food. John\'s nieces and nephew get up at 6am to open presents. I\'m a morning person, but for a day like Christmas, I\'m completely worn out. We opened presents, then my family came over to exchange gifts, after that, I went back to bed and woke up mid day. John got a remote control car and that was already broken by the end of the day. It was a good Christmas.

Well here\'s a latest on the time home. It\'s going by fairly quick, before you know it, John will be heading back to Malaysia to test again. Believe me, he\'s taking full advantage of time off, boys and their toys. There is a chat session planned on Jan 8th at 7pm PST and then there will be one on the 9th at 10am PST for those in Europe. Log onto the website [in the heading], click on contact, and then scroll down to the chat link. Ask us how every thing is going, ask about the bike, tires, what we got for Christmas, whatever!!!!!!!
Until then, Happy New Year and whoever has a new resolution, hope you stick to it.

Bye for now,