Hear Stefan:

Posted: Fri 19 Dec 2003

A correspondent tels me that: the Kiwi born Aussie star, Stefan Merriman will be at Fahy\'s Motor Inn, Greerton, Tauranga 7pm, Monday, 22nd December.

Few would dispute that Stefan rates amongst the top motorcycle sport competitors that NZ has produced. In fact there were compelling reasons why he should have been nominated for a sports award in 2003.

The current FIM 250 2T champion, runner up to Stefan Everts at the International Six Day Enduro, Forteleza BRAZIL, to name just a - Few notches in the belt: will be making a flying visit to the town of his birth before heading back to Italy to assume his place with Team UFO Corse: in 2004 riding Yamaha.

A great opprtunity for any one with an interest in motorcycle sport to hear a great rider.