The Yamaha Wild Dog:

Posted: Thu 18 Dec 2003

The 2004 Australian 4 Day Enduro will be staged by the Warragul Motorcycle Club in conjunction with the Koo Wee Rup District Motorcycle Club. It will be known as the - Yamaha Wild Dog 2004 A4DE:

The Gippsland town of Warragul which is situated approximately 100 km East of Melbourne along the Princes Highway will be the events central location. Travel from Melbourne is around 1 hour via dual lane Highway the entire way.

The event will run from Thursday April 15th 2004 through to Sunday April 18th 2004, the week after Easter. Wednesday April 14th will see scrutineering being held at Logan Park in Warragul.

Even though the event and parc ferme will be based in the centre of Warragul there will very limited road riding as the organisers have negotiated to utilise farm land for transport sections and are even planning a special test virtually in the heart of Warragul itself giving unprecedented spectator access to aid bringing the sport to the people.

Days 1, 2 and 3 will consist of approximately 250 km of some of the best tracks the district has to offer whilst Day 4 will cover approximately 100 km of tracks leading to the final moto at Lardner Park. Each day will consist of a separate loop

The three main loops will be totally different and consist of loops to Noojee, Hill End and Erica although the order of the loops will be decided closer to the event and may be subject to predicted weather patterns at the time.

The tracks will consist of around 70% 3rd and 4th gear fire trails that will be ideally suited to all levels of riders and will be intermingled with 6 to 8 special tests each day.

There will be around 15 sections of special tests so each test will be ridden a maximum of twice and many tests will only be ridden once. It is envisaged that there will be 8 motocross tests and 7 enduro tests.

The special tests are where the event is won (or lost) and the organisers have strived to ensure that the general public has access to all special test. In fact most special tests will be accessible by car with only a few requiring 4WD access in the event of rain.

The final moto will be held at Lardner Park a short drive out of Warragul. Lardner Park is the home of the largest Field Day in Victoria and offers easy access, copious parking and most importantly fantastic viewing access to the motocross track. This will be a fitting finish to what organisers believe will be a showcase event.