Back in California:

Posted: Sat 06 Dec 2003

Silver Bullet is one of only a few Websites worldwide that receives Desiree Crossman`s newsy behind the MotoGP scene column (not always PC). She reports on #21 John (Hopper) Hopkin`s MotoGP exploits and her own as they travel the globe.

You can send your support to John - HERE:

Back In California:

Yes that\'s true. It was a good test in Sepang, seems like the boys are doing their homework in regards to improving the performance of the bike and John seemed quite pleased with the Bridgestones. I hope all works out for this year.

Now, let me tell you all about John\'s exciting expedition on Sunday night. I was quite tired for some reason, (although I hardly did anything cause\' it was a test) so I went to sleep early and John went down to the bar where some of the team were at before they flew out that late evening. His plan was to meet up with some other guys on the team in KL at a club called the Beach Club in the \"Golden Triangle\" where all the pubs, clubs and Hard Rock Cafe is at. He ended up leaving late around 11:30pm, and when he got there, he couldn\'t find any one. I always tell him to not go out on his own, but does he ever listen? :)

To make a very long story short as possible, everything that could go wrong in one night, DID GO WRONG!!!!

First he didn\'t find anyone he knew, got in a fight with some Chinese guy for returning a dropped wallet to some Chinese girl. I assume she\'s his wife/girlfriend. John tried to avoid the confrontation and went back into the club. Then none of his credit cards worked so he had no money, not even his checking card worked. He talked a taxi driver into driving him back to the hotel and have the hotel pay. Somewhere along the way he managed to mislay his American Express card and mobile phone. So in the wee morning of Monday, I had to make a few phone calls and check some statements on the internet. Things seemed to be fine, but I\'m not surprised when cards don\'t work in foreign countries.

When we got on the plane, ready to taxi onto the runway, a storm came in. I don\'t know what it\'s like in other areas but I had yet to see a storm that intense. It was constant rain for an hour with thunder/lightning and visibility as far as 10ft. Usually in Malaysia, it does rain but it passes. This storm didn\'t look like it was going to pass anytime soon, so we sat in the plane watching. Lightning was striking the plane and I could see rivers beginning to form. No exaggeration. Was I nervous you ask? YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT!!! I told John there is no way I was flying in that weather, I don\'t care if I stayed one more day or sat on the runway for 6 hours, pull the plane right in \'cause I will not fly in that weather. It was terrific. However, it did pass and an hour later we took off to a smooth ride. I\'m not a whimp I swear, but I will say that time I was a little sketchy. Anyway, we flew to Taipei(Taiwan for some of you) and onto LAX.

For some unknown reason, luck doesn\'t follow us too often when travelling. But this arriving flight to LAX managed to run smoothly this time. We had 2 hours for our next flight, and anyone who knows Int\'l arrivals to LAX and onwards flights, 2 hours is cutting it close. Flights always come in late, Customs is definitely not an express for us, our bags are usually last, and then we walk 2/3rds o af mile down to the terminal we fly out from. Never fails. But this time, everything went smoothly and we weren\'t biting our nails.

Now, once again we\'re back. Been back for a few days but it\'s been somewhat hectic so had no time really to write. John will get to have a full month and half off to fart around. Now I got to keep him busy. :) Next week is a showing of FASTER in Long Beach so we will be going to that. Alex Hoffman has time off so he\'s coming over to go MX with John, that should be cool. \'Tis the time for Christmas, and junk food!!!! Check the website every so often cause\' a chat will be taking place, a few actually. There are a few items that will be on the site, so log on to find out how you can get your hands on it. Won\'t tell you just yet.

Enjoy your holidays and new year!!!

PS: Sorry for this, but forgot to add that after John had lost his American Express he told me 12 hours later in Taipei, so I called to cancel it but someone had already racked up a nice bill for us to claim to the fraud department. I did get those reversed though.