[Wot] Publicity ? - 3

Posted: Fri 21 Nov 2003

Just for the record: I own no part of Silver Bullet. I have no financial interest in Silver Bullet. I am not employed by Silver Bullet. I am a motorcycle enthusiast and my role is solely to post on this site. Any one can apply to the webmaster for that right. The opinions I express and comments I make are soley my own.

When I post an article - if appropriate, I forward a link to the source and invite comment or reponse from the source. I received this non-response? to the article [Wot] Publicity ? - 2:

No response. You need to be much clearer in your communications as to what you are posting, I didn\'t intend that my reply would be posted. You seem intent on a fight - you are not getting one. If you are genuinely interested in the advancement of the sport you need to look at your approach. I have got better things to do. Good luck with your endeavours. Please do not post anything else from me or MNZ without my authority.
TM Gill

Well, so much for changing the world. I won\'t comment on the result. There is no need to. I have received heaps of feedback and 100% expresses disatisfaction with the level of motorcycle sport publicity and the negative approach to improving that state. One can only hope that MNZ does take some behind the scene action to redress the current situation.

In the meantime it appears that I am off the Xmas BBQ invitation list and I will not receive reports from MNZ. I don`t expect you will notice any change however, as I never received them anyhow. BTW an email to MA [Motorcycling Australia] some months ago asking if I could use their stuff received the short and sweet reply - \"No problem Bill\". It is just unfortunate that not much of their material relates to NZ. Thanks again readers for your support.