[Wot] Publicity ? - 2:

Posted: Thu 20 Nov 2003

MNZ`s CEO Trevor Gill has reponded to [Wot] Publicity:. My comments to Trevor Gill`s response are in italics.

The official results only came to MNZ yesterday and were immediately posted on our site. They are there now. I am given to understand that MNZ`s Vicky Simm attended the Pukekohe meeting.

We have issued 16 press releases in the last month. 1 - They have not been evident in publications I and a number of contributors read. 3 - In those 16 press releases were the exploits of the curent World Enduro chamion and runner up in the 2003 ISDE, NZ`s born and bred Stefan Merriman mentioned? If not, wht not? While my previous questions have been studiously avoided - an answer to the foregoing would be appreciated by myself and others. 2 - The last Press Release I have seen from MNZ was in June. Would you kindly add Silver Bullet to your data base. Or is Silver Bullet persona non grata? [Remember that Bill Walch is not a part of Silver Bullet. He only posts to it]

MNZ operates as a business, we own the results of our competitions and we will distribute them. That is a gross disservice to the racers, sponsors, promoters, organisers, fans and supporters .... The results should be shouted from the rooftops !!! That comment is symptomatic of the malaise of motorcycle sport publicity..... There is a enormous amount of financial resource in creating our website and there are commercial opportunities that we are exploring. The notion that dot coms were a financially viable prospect was dispelled a long time ago. May I respectfully suggest that MNZ sticks to the knitting. The material on our site is our intellectual property and we will protect with the legal means at our disposal. Sports management and sports marketing has come a long way in the last 10 years. Try taking some of the All Blacks intellectual property to find out. That comment reinforces precisely the point made in the article. That precious policy effectively insulates motorcycle sport from the general public. No wonder it is hard for competitors to gain sponsorship.

In the past the media and commercial organisations have had free use of our logo eventhough it is a registered mark.This is not going to be tolerated any longer.

The Awards Dinner is being run by Motorcycle Trader and News with support from MNZ and the Motorcycle Importers Assoc. maybe you should direct your acerbic comments at those organisations. 1 - No criticism was directed to those organisations. 2 - You wrote - 8 September: MNZ is a financial partner in the Motorcycle Awards Dinner and we are very pleased to be involved. How much is MNZ`s contribution?

We apologise that this rounds results were late, these were circumstances beyond our control. I am given to understand that MNZ`s Vicky Simm attended the Pukekohe meeting.

We generally have a positive and constructive relationship with the media. Sending pejorative emails that are inaccurate and negative is not the way to develop a working relationship. 1 - What part/s of my article is/are inaccurate? 2 - I have asked questions and criticised. They were not pejorative [had to go to the dictionary for that one] and that comment is an unfair and unwarranted attack on myself. It is unconstructive to attack the writer for expressing an opinion and asking questions. Judging by the unsolicited responses I have received, MNZ stake holders [members] have similar questions. MNZ is not above criticism and it would be more productive if a resolution was sought.

Trevor Gill