Birch Report 3:

Posted: Sun 16 Nov 2003

Here is another report from Peter that just landed. He is making full use of computer access! More good reading on a great performance and result.

Team Kiwi Day 5/6 Report

Day 5
An exact repeat of Day 4. Sun, sand, bog hole etc. All the tests were now very rough with half meter braking bumps in the soft sand. Chris had his best day so far, 30th in Class, moved up from 51st overall to 45th out of approx.120 still running in the 250 2 -stroke class. No dramas, did a major check over the bike in the work period prior to the 6th Day 23km road ride to the \"Autodrome \" for the final test.

Day 6.
The final day was a super-motard on knobblies, about 50/50 flat dirt track (sand based of course) and the remainder tar seal including some long sweeping bends and sharp turns on and off the dirt on to the tar seal. Races were a maximum of 35 riders with Chris`s class running 4 races due to the large numbers. Riders were seeded to their race based on their overall position on day 5, so Chris was in the 2nd race.

Riders had a single look-lap, then went in to a MX style start gate on the dirt. There were some good crashes on the look lap as riders tried to find the limits of the tyres on the tar. Many riders were somewhat daunted by the prospect of tarmac racing on knobbly tyres, but once they had put in a couple of laps and got the feel for things it was a lot of fun,and yet another new Brazil experience. Merriman was expected to take out the first 250 2 - Stroke Class race, but he got boxed in at the first turn and had to work really hard to gain the lost ground. A good start was essential as overtaking was very difficult. Merriman came home in 9th place, sufficient to win the class overall.

Chris got a great start in his race, 5th into the first turn and really got in to it, broadsiding out of the tarseal turns .He got past one rider and came in fourth - a great result with the Aussies and team Kiwi cheering him on.

Next up were 250 4 -strokes which Aussie Glen Kearney blitzed on his Yamaha. Ex - pat Kiwi Kelly Patterson had a solid mid-field finish. The eagerly awaited up to 500 4 stroke class race saw a superb battle between Everts and Enduro star Salminen. Everts got the hole shot, but Salminen got past on lap 2. Everts didn\'t look too flash on the seal but was absolutely awesome on the dirt and it wasn\'t long before he regained the lead and hung on to it to the end.

Although we have not seen the final results, Everts almost certainly took the overall event win as Merriman was several seconds down on him at the end of Day 5 and Everts final speed test time was certainly faster.
Chris finished well up the Silver medal table. Gold medals are awarded to riders within 10% of the winners time and as Merriman had such a fast overall time in Chris`s Class,there were not many Golds going. Chris finished a very creditable 41st in Class out of some 130 or so starters. Silver Medals are awarded to riders within 30 % of the winners time. This has been the experience of a life time.

There is no time now to individually thank all those people who helped us get to Brazil (but you will be thanked in due course we assure you) but the people that we must acknowledge who really made this happen are Paul Ottaway of Heytrack NZ and Steve and Terry Bridge of Darbi Accessories. Thank you guys. Terry and his wife were at the celebration beach party last night.

Typical of Brazil, the power was off untill 11pm,but nobody was concerned, you just party on till dawn at 4.30 am ! Stephan Everts came on around 2am to show off his DJ skills, lets just say he\'s lucky he can ride a bike so fast!

Today is beach and 30 m hydroslide day prior to packing for a 3am start for home tomorrow. We are having a couple of days \'R and R\'in Rio before heading home.
It will be great to see NZ`s green countryside again and even some Auckland rain would be a nice contrast to the searing heat of NE Brazil.
See you soon,
Team Kiwi