Bercy SX and More:

Posted: Fri 14 Nov 2003

Don`t read this if you do not want to seriously risk having your life seem boring. This Kiwi who shall be nameless, has a lifestyle that some may envy. Sounds like bloody hard work to me.....

Hey Bill,
Well finally back in the office after another crazy month racing round the place. I am looking forward to 3 weekends free of races and so leaving me time to indulge in the normal life and get up the mountains to do some first snow boarding of the season.

This last month has been harder than others due to the party factor... end of season means Sunday night end of season parties... and I tell you they make for a bloody long drive home Monday...

Started off the month with the final round of World Superbike Championship at Magny Cours in France... I had been to this track in July for the Formula 1 and it was great, however at this time of the year it was super cold leaving tire warmers doing overtime and not achieving much as the track was so cold the tires never held or got to a good temperature and this led to the highest number of crashes all season. It was just fortunate that no one got hurt. It is an amazing circuit for cars and has awesome facilities, however as a bike race track, well it sucks but that\'s another story.

For some reason there was no end of season function normally held in Imola (normally the final round) but we all ended up starting the night off in the Motor home park having a type of boot party out of the side of Ruben Xaus\'s motor home, he was as funny as hell with a mic in his had DJing out of his stereo.

Foggy Petronas Racing (FPR) were having a team only 60\'s party and so we ended up there. It was amazing as everyone was dressed up just like Austin Powers and that whole era, it was as funny as hell. Troy Corser had a wig on that made him a splitting image of John Lennon. Karl Fogarty and his wife were all done up and looked as cool as hell. We ended up getting all major pissed and partying until 4am singing Karaoke, I maxed out my card on my digital camera with crazy drunken photos, it was great...

As for when it was time to head back to Italy, well lets just say it was a longer 11 hour drive than what it should have been.

I got back Monday round 9pm and was in the office first thing Tuesday only to be told that I had to leave again the next morning for Barcelona for the World Rally Championship. I was pumped to go to that as I had just started to read Possum Bourne\'s autobiography, so to be able to go to the Rally and finish it there was real cool. (Note, if you haven\'t read his book, make it a point, the guy started Rally for Subaru and is a bigger hero than I ever thought, he is a legand and a man that did so much for NZ and our Motorsport Industry... a must read)

Anyway, I managed to pack up wet clothes (It\'s winter here and drying clothes over night is impossible) and left at 2pm Wednesday on the 12 hour drive to Barcelona... did the Rally until the Sunday and then headed out with the Subaru team for a big one... and a big one it was with the Mechanics. I knew most of them from a test we did in Finland a couple of years ago and my god that was a big one up there, but that\'s another story on its own...! I maxed out the card again on my camera with another night of crazy drunken shots of the boys... Barcelona is the place to party, that\'s for sure!

I ended up spending the next two days in a hotel bed sick as a dog with the flu, which was shit as I was planning to go to Andorra and catch up with a few of the WSBK boys before heading south again to Valencia for the Moto GP final round and another big party.

The rally was cool, all those guys are super nice, specially Petter Soleburg, I first met him and Burnsy at that test in Finland and Petter is such a dude, so to see him go through and win the World Championship in the weekend was fantastic, he deserved it.

Well after the two days sick, I managed to get to the GP in Valencia. As usual the Spanish put on a huge crowd with all the crazy shit that they do, but the talk in the paddock the whole weekend was the party on the Sunday night that had allot to live up to from the year before.

I remember last year, I made it back to my room at 4am and was on the road home at 5am... another very long trip that got me back to the office at 2am the next day... I then was in the office at 9am and left at 5pm for a flight to NZ... I was destroyed once I got home to the family in Kaitaia.

This year it was not much different. The camera got another trashing and the battery was soon flat from crazy ass photos of riders after a few Red Bull Vodka\'s. The party was in this club that had a huge aquarium running through it with small sharks and all sorts swimming around in it, it was seriously cool and set the tone for a crazy night. It was open to all girls who wanted to come but only to guys with a permanent season passes, so you can imagine the fun that was had.

I got back to my room at 5am and was on my way home at 9. I arrived back at 1.30am and was in the office at 10. I was only here for a day or two as I was off again for Paris-Bercy Supercross at 4am Thursday morning. I wasn\'t up for a party after the weeks before this, so I admit I stayed quiet in the big city when I should have been out getting into it.

The race line up was not so good. The only impressive ones there were Grant Langston, Mike Brown, David Vuillemin and Edgar Torronteras (ET). There were a few others but not like the times of 4 years ago when everyone who was anyone had to be seen at this race. Despite this there was some good races leaving America to take the cup and DV took the Prince of Bercy.

ET is seriously a top man, I had not seen him perform freestyle before, so to see him here do what he does best was a treat. He doesn\'t do the Back Flip, but everything else is super trick and the guy screams style and grace, but with a good positive Spanish attitude. If you ever get a chance to see him, do it, you wont be disappointed.

Now I am home and as I said, looking to hit the slopes and hopefully detox at the same time. I\'m all booked to come home and really can\'t wait. I have the two rounds of the World Supercross Championships the weekends before I come back. They are going to be fantastic as both Chad and Ricky have confirmed that they will be coming so that will be big time cool to see!

I will let you know how it all goes when I get back from that.

O.K. Bill, I have to get on now, I hope things are good for you and you are enjoying the warmer weather.

Ohh, before I go, Desiree was telling me who she sends here e-mails to you and she said, \'yeah, I even send it to in New Zealand\'. She is a top chick that one... I get on real good with her and John, they are good mates and Des has to be the hottest and sweetest girl in Racing, with out a doubt!
CU later mate.

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