It's Official - Chris 44th.

Posted: Sun 09 Nov 2003

It is official. Chris Birch finished 44th. in the highly competitive 250T class at the Brazil ISDE.

What a fantastic result for the guy with little support and riding unfamiliar (sandy) terrain he did well to just finish!
19.02.65 ahead of him was the New Zealand born Stefan Merriman who was 4.36.05 ahead of the next rider in that class.

After a week-long battle with Stefan Merriman seven-time World Motocross Champion, Stefan Everts was this year\'s top individual rider. Everts finished the ISDE just 42 seconds! ahead of Merriman and about a minute and a half ahead of Salminen.

Taupo will be bit different to the sandy terrain of Brazil.

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